NAME: Captain Loss
MISSION: Protect losses and safeguard compensations
MOTTO: “Pick and Go!'”
On the morning of October 13, 1972, the rugby team of the Old Christians club was on Flight 571 of the Uruguayan Air Force, which, due to a series of events, crashed into the Andes.
The captain, who survived the well-known fate that befell other passengers, died following the avalanche that hit the plane on October 29. However, the energy released on that occasion reincarnated the captain into our ‘Captain Loss,’ with the aim of clarifying what happened.
Since then, his purpose has been to ensure that no loss is in vain, that investigations are always thorough, that compensations are adequate, and that justice is served in every case.
Captain Loss specializes in situations where losses and damages occur, and he also takes care of safeguarding the corresponding compensations by overseeing the correctness of all delicate phases.
CLICK HERE to write to Captain Loss.
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