NAME: Greta Thunder
OBJECTIVE: Protecting the world from natural disasters
MOTTO: “Go like lightning!”
On January 18, 2017, after heavy snowfall, an avalanche engulfed the “Rigopiano-Gran Sasso Resort.” The impact was so violent that the structure was torn apart and buried in snow. Among the local rescuers, there was a young volunteer whom no one had ever seen before.
It was Greta Thunder making her first public appearance – or at least one of the first confirmed ones. Her origins were somewhat unclear: it was assumed she came from a Scandinavian country, but what was certain was her unwavering commitment to the prevention and protection of the world from natural disasters.
Greta specializes in the prevention, protection, and management of risks associated with weather, environmental, and catastrophic events.
CLICK HERE to write to Greta Thunder
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