On May 25, 2020, the news brought to light the investigation into “fake disabilities” and the responsibilities of those who, in good faith, had essentially endorsed fraudulent certifications issued by complicit professionals.

Amidst the pandemic, a courageous woman took it upon herself to ensure that the dues of the “innocent” parties involved were properly reimbursed within the scope of their operations.

And thus, Wonder Med was born, with the goal of protecting and safeguarding the entire delicate field of public and private healthcare, all while upholding legality, professionalism, care, and patient well-being.

Let's discover her superpowers together.

  • EMPATHY: Thanks to her mask, Wonder Med can read the emotions and feelings of others, allowing her to prevent and foresee actions driven by malicious intentions.
  • FLIGHT: Her wings are directly derived from the Caduceus (the winged staff symbol of the god of Medicine – known as Asclepius in Greek and Esculapio in Roman mythology), not only representing the Medical-Healthcare sector she specializes in but also granting her the ability to fly, ensuring she’s always in the right place at the right time.


Wonder Med specializes in the protection and safeguarding of the entire Healthcare sector, handling the responsibilities of healthcare facilities and professionals, and managing all the technical-professional risks associated with this complex and delicate field.

Wonder Med's trailer

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